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Writer's pictureMsgr. Anselm Nwaorgu


The narrative about the journey of the Magi who travelled from the Far East to Bethlehem to see the child Jesus is a very interesting story. This story uncovers power strategies that can combine to bring about success in any aspect of our lives. How did the Magi come to know that the Child Jesus has been born in Bethlehem when those who lived right there in Bethlehem did not know this fact; not even the wise men in the court of King Herod? This same question can be stated in a different way. What can help one succeed when it comes to life goals and aspirations? The story of the Magi provides deep insights into this question and I would like to explore them as we begin our journey with Year, 2024.

Strategy One: Expectation The Epiphany story clearly states that the Magi had Expectation—what they were looking forward to; what they were hoping for. They had a goal they were working toward—to visit the Child Jesus when He is born. Life goals and aspirations begin with Expectation—seeing something from the end-zone and then working toward it. Scripture says that faith is the evidence of things hoped for. There has to be something we hope for in this life; something we expect to be, something we would want to experience, something we would want to know about, before we can work toward it. Without expectations, without stated goals and objectives, it is difficult to attain success in life. Expectation generates interest, interest generates preparation, preparation leads to readiness, and readiness is what allows us to seize opportunity whenever it arises. It was the expectation of the Magi that got them ready to follow the Star when it appeared. Without expectation, our life will only be a revolving door. No matter where we are in life, having some expectations, something to look forward to, something to work and live for, is a good part of healthy living. Life should not just happen to us; we should make it happen for us, and that journey begins with expectation.

Strategy Two: Noticeability Expectation goes with the ability to notice things that matter to our expectations. While everyone else saw stars in the heavens, the Magi saw in the midst of a zillion stars, the Star of David. Many a time opportunities abound around us but our inability to notice them can impair our dreams and goals. Two people can easily come upon a heap of scrapped iron; one sees a heap of garbage while the other sees materials for spare parts. Scripture says that in all circumstances, God does provide windows of opportunity to help us out (Ref. 1 Cor. 10:13). The ability to keep eyes and ears open to relevant facts and materials relative to expectations is a key ingredient in any successful endeavor. A mad man once said that he makes the sign of the Cross both in his frontal and in his backside directions, so that no matter which way the kingdom comes, he will be in it. It is important to develop the ability to pay attention to our environment, to notice the pain around us, and to be aware of the impact of our behavior on others. Paying attention to notice little details, little important things that matter, is truly important. Attention to detail is a key component in giving life to our dreams.

Strategy Three: Action When the Magi saw the Star of David, they immediately swung into action; they headed out to Bethlehem. No matter what ideas, goals and dreams we have in life; no matter how many opportunities we encounter, without action, those ideas, goals and dreams will never grow bigger than the brain cells they occupy in our minds. It is at the level of action; at the level of doing, not words, that life happens. One of my friends once said that the difference between those who get rich and those who are poor is that the poor man has an idea and does nothing about it while the rich man gets a small idea and pursues it with passion. Procrastination is a grave into which dreams are buried, and when married to excuses, constitutes the deadliest tool in the devil’s arsenal for the annihilation of human dreams and aspirations. There is always something we can do today about our dream; something that can get us going toward a desired goal. The Magi mounted on their camels and set out toward Bethlehem. As the saying goes, visions succeed when followed by ventures. It is never about big steps in the future as it is about small steps taken just now. I truly believe that none of us have gotten to where we are today by great deeds planned; rather we are where we are today because of small deeds done. May the good Lord grant us the zeal for action.

Strategy Four: Flexibility The Yew Rune tree is truly an amazing tree. The trunk is highly flexible even as its roots hold firmly to the ground beneath it. It can bend without losing tension, that is to say, it has the capacity to return to its upright shape as soon as pressure is released. The memory of its linear form is never erased by its conformity to being bent. There is a saying that goes “Blessed are the hearts that can bend, they shall never be broken.” Life is full of ups and downs, and that is what makes detours an essential part of it. The Magi got stuck on the road; the star that was leading them to Bethlehem disappeared. They did not give up; rather they detoured to the king’s palace and inquired about their way forward. The ability to adapt, to be flexible, to be open-minded, and to seek alternatives, is the wiggle room needed to get through the maze of life’s unpredictability. While we must stay committed to our goals, we must be flexible in our approach. The knowledge of yesterday must find ways to marry the wisdom of today so as to develop insights for tomorrow. A friend once told me that only those who are willing to bend and to learn will eventually inherit the earth, and that those who already know it all will find themselves beautifully equipped to inherit a world that no longer exists. One thing I admire about the behavior of water is that no obstacle stops it. It will go through it, go around it, or flow over it. Like the Yew Rune tree, we always need to know how to bend without losing tension.

Strategy Five: Prayer/Adoration Scripture says, “Come, let us worship and bow down. Let us kneel before the LORD our Maker” (Psalm 95:6). The reason why the Magi travelled such a long distance to Bethlehem was to do one thing: To behold the Child Jesus face to face, and to adore Him in worship. We are told that this was the first thing they did as they entered that manger full of animals. How lucky we are that we don’t have to travel days and weeks to behold Jesus face to face. Christ has made it easy for us to behold Him face to face in the gift of the Holy Eucharist. When Christ took bread and wine and said: “This is my Body” and “This is my Blood,” He meant exactly that. He is 100% real in the Eucharist as He was real when the Magi visited Him. The evidence of the true presence of Christ in the Eucharist abounds all over the world. On bended knees, we can visit and worship Christ in Eucharistic Adoration. Prayer is an important part in the accomplishment of dreams and goals. Scripture says, “Bring your work unto the Lord and your plans shall be established” (Proverbs 16:3). Praying over your dreams and aspirations; bringing them to the Lord for His guidance and blessings is a very wise thing to do. Miracles happen when we pray as though everything depends on God and work hard as though everything depends on us. Scripture tells us that blessed is the man whose hope is in the Lord; who puts his trust in the God our savior; for he shall be like a tree planted near running water that stays green all seasons, and even in the time of drought still bears fruit.

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